Purchase order unknown: Shipping notification known The GI items are determined automatically in the system.
In the case of a purchase order item with the item category "subcontracting", only the GR item is to be passed on in the interface.
Sap movement type 344 code#
ISO code unit of measurement for unit of entry or quantity proposal.GM_Code 01: Goods receipt for purchase order Purchase order known Subsequent adjustment with regard to a subcontract orderĮntering the movement indicator Depending on the transaction (GM_CODE), you must enter the following in the movement indicator field: GM_Code 01 (Goods receipt for purchase order): B GM_Code 02 (Goods receipt for production order): F For all other transactions, leave the field blank. When calling the Goods Movement BAPI you have to specify a Goods Movement Code. The following example scenarios illustrate which fields have to be populated for which business transactions/events (code). Which fields must be populated during the various transactions/events? The calling program therefore has to execute the Commit Work itself after this method has been successfully invoked (in other words, if no errors were reported in the Return parameter).
This is the case if the header data and all the items were processed successfully. The BAPI can only perform your function if no error messages were generated in the Return table. The parameter documentation shows the return codes and their meanings. Messages are returned in the Return parameter. The posting is made by the function module MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT.A structure with the code for the movement.The following information about the material document that is to be created is passed on to the BAPI: Populate the PSTNG_DATE field (import structure GOODSMVT_HEADER) in the interface BAPI2017_GM_HEAD_01 for this purpose. Ensure that the header data of the material document includes the posting date for all transactions/events listed below.Material number 18-character with leading zeros.Data populationĮnsure that you transfer the data in the same way as it is managed in the database. The standard system is configured so that the goods movement is posted immediately, without prior simulation. You can use a simulation function before posting the goods movement to check how the data is updated in the database. You can only create one material document each time you call up the method. You can use the BAPI BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE to create a material document for a goods movement. BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK (Rollback the posting, general).BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT (Commit the posting, general).BAPI_GOODSMVT_CANCEL (only for reverting Goods Movements)Īnd two in combination with for the transactional handling:.BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE (universal BAPI for posting Goods Movements).There are two BAPIs for posting Goods Movements: